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What do Bunnies like to eat?

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Good quality hay and / or grass that is always available should make up the majority of the rabbit's diet. -Rabbits graze and eat grass and other plants naturally for extended periods of time, primarily at dawn and dusk. -Rabbit digestive system requires grass and hay to function properly.

What is your favorite rabbit?

Vegetables: Rabbit's favorite food, bok choy. Bok-choy. Sprouting. The top of the carrot. Cucumber. endive. Escalol. Fennel. Rabbit Diet: What to Give to Bunny-Best Friend's Resources

What Human Food Can Do Do you eat rabbits?

What kind of human food can a rabbit eat? fruit. A high sugar content means that you need to give it in moderation, but almost all fruits are good sweet treats. .. vegetable. Similarly, most vegetables are safe for rabbits to eat. .. Herbs. .. Garden plants. .. chocolate. .. Iceberg lettuce. .. avocado. .. Can meat rabbits eat bananas, cucumbers and cauliflower? There is food here.

What kind of fruits and vegetables can rabbits eat?

Feeding rabbits as a snack Apple (without seeds) Since it contains a lot of sugar, it should be given only to rabbits as a snack. banana. Rabbit meat has a lot of sugar, so it's okay to eat bananas once in a while. Blackberry, blueberry and carrot tops. .. Dandelions. .. Grapes. What can rabbits eat

What do Bunnies like to eat?

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