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Why does my rabbit have no voice?

Animal Expert
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They make a noise. But they are not noisy. You will only hear them if you are really close to it. For pet bunny, if you need to be careful Does the rabbit / bunny have vocal cords? Why doesn't the rabbit make a noise? Другие результатыссайта www.quora.com

Why does my rabbit never make a noise?

Because they are small prey animals that are easily amazed. They are not going to loudly warn predators of their existence, and they get by communicating with a small sound and body language. They make a noise. But they are not noisy. 2017

Can rabbits be muted?

Rabbit barks and their implications Many consider rabbits to be silent, or at least very quiet. While it's true that rabbits often prefer body language as the primary source of communication (and don't keep their neighbors all night with unpleasant vocalizations), rabbits can make a huge amount of noise. There is sex! 31янв. 2019

How can I get the rabbit to talk?

Talk to him often and get used to your voice. Familiarize it with your voice. Rabbits are social creatures that sit in cages and get bored all day long. From time to time, just talk to the rabbit and it will lie down, get approval and gently brush your teeth!

Does the rabbit make a voice?

The sounds that a rabbit makes when it is happy include throating, sighing, and squeaking (groaning or squeaking). The painful sounds of a rabbit include loud screams, screams, and even screams. 2020г.

Why does my rabbit have no voice?

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